Safety First

Safety 24/7 365 on every project

CIK Employees are certified in safety training and continue to practice accident prevention measures and emergency procedures, exceeding OSHA standards on every single project.

New Services

We do way more than the basics

At CIK we provide services like site maintenance, site security and battery replacement. We're authorized quick and efficient with what you need.

Our Solutions

We're as big as your project

No project is too big for CIK. Whether it's contractor services, new site builds, mobile site builds or site relocation. We're the company you need.


We'll keep you informed

We give you the documentation and plans before we start as well as update you from start to finish. And after the work is done we'll report on it's operation.

What WE do when an 18-wheeler takes
out a cell tower.

How do you build a cell site in 24 hours?
You call CIK of course.

On November 2,2009 CIK Power Distributors, LLC received an urgent call from one of our largest customers. A cellular site in the Ventura County area had been involved in a hit and run accident with a tractor-trailer. The site was taken off the air and completely destroyed and CIK jumped on the challenge to get this site back on air.

Early Friday morning, CIK teams were already fast at work getting the site back on air. The customer had CIK build three new outdoor cellular equipment cabinets at their distribution warehouse before sending it onsite. While the work at the warehouse was... more

What We Do


Project Management
Site Assessments
CAD Drawings
New Site Builds/Modifications
Site Relocations


Equipment "Hot" Swaps
Site Alarming/Security
BTS Installation


AC/DC Power Installation
Battery Rack Installs/Integration
BBU Indoor/Outdoor
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